Project Information

Restoration and rehabilitation of the historical monument building „Mihai Eminescu” Central University Library Iași

Project Promoter

Central University Library „Mihai Eminescu” Iași

Project Partners

ROIS Association (Ready to Open Intercultural Spaces)

Total Value of the Project

10.347.288,40 lei (2.091.248,49 euro)

Amount of non-refundable funding (85% EEA Grant and 15% national budget)

6.737.667,99 lei (1.361.722,75 euro)


20 months

Restoration and rehabilitation of the historical monument building „Mihai Eminescu” Central University Library Iași

The city of Iași has an important cultural heritage, preserved and cultivated by a multitude of institutions with national and European cultural resonance. One of the emblematic monuments of the city is the "King Ferdinand I" Foundation Palace, the headquarters of the "Mihai Eminescu" Central University Library, a historical monument construction registered in the List of Historical Monuments, with the code IS-II-m-B-03964. The elegant and sumptuous building is in a good state of preservation as restoration and consolidation works have been carried out relatively recently.

However, the roof has not been repaired, so the existing galvanized sheet is in an advanced state of deterioration, and the rainwater catchment system, made of zinc sheet (gutters, downspouts, flashings) requires interventions to protect the edifice of possible infiltrations to the foundations. At the same time, there is an urgent need to refurbish the book stores located in the basement of the historical monument building, by modernizing and improving the fire prevention and extinguishing facilities, in order to meet the current safety standards. Also, the ventilation and lighting of the Library Hall, a room where many public events are held, calls for rehabilitation interventions. In addition, public security should be enhanced by implementing a modern video surveillance system. All these deficiencies are addressed within the restoration and rehabilitation project proposed for funding.

Direct Beneficiaries

  1. At least 30 people: members of the project realization team (7 people) and employees of the “Mihai Eminescu” Central University Library (23 people).
  2. Participants (2 people) in an international exchange program of professional experience.
  3. Visitors to the “King Ferdinand I” Foundation Palace (5555 people).

Indirect Beneficiaries

  1. Active users of the “Mihai Eminescu” Central University Library (on average, over 10,000 people/year) and residents of the Municipality of Iasi.

Main Objective of the Project

Restoration of the headquarters of the Central University Library "Mihai Eminescu" Iasi and capitalizing on the institution's heritage to stimulate local and regional economic and social development.

Specific Objectives of the Project


Protecting an emblematic building in the City of Iași, the "King Ferdinand I" Foundation Palace, and enhancing it through actions and activities with a cultural and touristic profile.


Promoting the restored monument by integrating it into the local and regional cultural tourism network.


Professional development of 30 people, members of the project implementation team and employees of the Central University Library "Mihai Eminescu" Iași.

The Direct Outcome of the Project

It will consist in the restoration and revitalization of the Central University Library "Mihai Eminescu" Iași.

Indirect Outcome of the Project

  1. Improving access to culture at the local and regional level.
  2. Developing the professional skills of project members and employees of the Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu” in Iași.
  3. Improving cultural management and organizing attractive activities to strengthen institutional visibility.
  4. Valuing the heritage of the “Mihai Eminescu” Central University Library in Iași.

Funders of the Project

The EEA grants represent the contribution of Iceland, the Principality of Liechtenstein and the Kingdom of Norway to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area and to the strengthening of bilateral relations with the 15 beneficiary states in Eastern and Southern Europe and the Baltic states. These financing mechanisms are established on the basis of the Agreement on the European Economic Area, which brings together the EU member states and Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway as equal partners in the internal market. In total, the three states contributed €3.3 billion between 1994 and 2014 and €1.55 billion for the 2014-2021 funding period.

More details are available at: and

RO-CULTURE Programme

RO-CULTURE Programme is implemented in Romania by the Ministry of Culture through the Project Management Unit. The Programme aims at strengthening social and economic development through cultural cooperation, cultural entrepreneurship and cultural heritage management.

The total budget amounts to almost 34 million EUR.

For more details access:

The Project in the Press

„Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.”

More details on the project's Facebook page.