
The Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu” Iasi is one of the four central libraries in Romania. It has one of the most impressive collections of old books. The Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu” Iași has the role of establishing, organizing, processing, developing and conserving collections of books, periodicals, electronic publications, as well as creating the informational framework necessary to support the didactic and research activity of the Iași university community, with extension to the national and international ones.

Among the main resources available to BCU Iași are:

⦁ existing fund: over 2,500,000 bibliographic units;
⦁ subscriptions to important electronic databases;
⦁ special collections hoarding over 100,000 documents, manuscripts, old Romanian books, foreign old books, etc.;
⦁ 21 reading rooms with approximately 800 seats;
⦁ approximately 12,000 active readers/year.

Fulfilling the function of a legal deposit, the Central University Library “Mihai Eminescu” Iasi, an institution of national importance, contributes to the enrichment of the national heritage and ensures the preservation of cultural memory, to be known and valued by future generations.

Read also about the establishment of the “King Ferdinand I” University Foundation.

ROIS (Ready to Open Intercultural Spaces)

The purpose of the association is to support and promote the North-Eastern region of Romania, both nationally and internationally. In this sense, it is aimed at carrying out and coordinating activities that contribute, on the one hand, to the development of the region from an economic, social, educational, cultural, ecological, touristic, sports point of view and, on the other hand, to increasing its visibility across borders.

The objectives of the association aim to stimulate the civic participation of the citizens of the region and the collaboration of various categories of persons, in order to affirm the human and professional values of the citizens and the formation of a modern, flexible, non-prejudiced society, in which prosperity and progress represent real and viable aspirations.

In order to achieve the goals and objectives proposed above, the Association carries out information, counseling and education programs and activities, such as:

⦁ the organization of meetings, symposia, conferences, seminars, exchanges of experience on various cultural and artistic themes;
⦁ organization of cultural events (conferences, shows, festivals, fairs, exhibitions;
⦁ development and promotion of fields such as Romanian tourism and culture.